Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Do you know what gets my goose? The Court System
Kosciusko Court House by Roger Smith
As you might have read previously I have lost my license due to some accidents. Now I'm not saying that I didn't mess up because I did, but I wish the court would look a little deeper into it, do their research. I'm not one of those teenagers that's into drugs and alcohol and every other cliche thing. I'm a straight A student with no "criminal" history. The court has an automatic second offense protocol and it includes losing my license for a minimum of 90 days no privileges or 180 days with privileges. I chose the first because this is my senior year and I want it back as soon as possible. My huge accident that caused all of this? I was in polaris the weekend before Christmas and the traffic was abysmal. While in bumper to bumper traffic and inching forward I looked down for a second. That's it. The guy in front of me hit his breaks and I bumped him. Absolutely no damage to his car. Estimated speed of my accident  on my ticket? Between 2-5mph. Damage to other car? 0% Now do you think the court cared about any of that? Of course not. They have a 17 year old in an accident. I was either high, drunk, or texting behind the wheel. Probably all three to the judge but honestly I was none. The only person I text was in the passengers seat. So thank you teenage statistics for really screwing me over.

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your posts! They're so funny! I wish you'd post more often, though. By the way, I like the color-scheme.
